About Flowgear

Flowgear makes integration accessible to every enterprise for any purpose. The platform delivers unprecedented ease-of-use for connecting anything-to-anything including applications, services and devices regardless of their location or underlying technology.
In Flowgear, Integrations are created visually as Workflows. Workflows contain elements called Nodes that represent specific tasks and are linked together using Flow Connectors. Flow Connectors allow you to sequence order of execution of Nodes as well as map flow of data between Nodes.
Workflows execute in pulses from left to right, rather than cyclically. Control passes from the currently executing Node to all Nodes connected to the right of it, until there are no more connected Nodes.
Workflows can run on-demand or continuously (called AutoStart). When a Workflow is designed for AutoStart, it usually contains a Trigger Node which is one of the first Nodes to execute. Triggers block until a condition is met and when present in a Workflow, control returns to the earliest Trigger again once all downstream Nodes have finished executing.
In on-demand mode, Workflows can be run by an end-user from within the Flowgear Console or called via the Flowgear API. Workflows often have input and output properties (ie. a data contract) that enable a user or a consumer to specify parameters and receive results. These properties are defined using a special Node called a Variable Bar.
Need help integrating your apps with Flowgear?
Check out Integration Helpers, our sister company dedicated to helping businesses like yours use integration platforms to achieve custom workflows and integrations.
If you're looking for consulting, training, or custom development on the Flowgear platform, Integration Helpers is your dedicated team.